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(If you're looking for a Wordpress website, you've come to the wrong place)


You are making an investment in your business. There are no surprises when you do business with us. We are small but we operate by the book like the big boys. We follow a procedure that ensures you are happy with the result. The process involves a definintion of the scope of work, a preliminary agreement on the scope of work (signed by both parties), a constuction schedule that includes a deliverable schedule: Preliminary Requirements, Wire-frame**, Mock-up, Pre-Launch and Release Dates. A payment schedule that includes: the percentage of total payment due when certain deliverables are made. Changes made to scope of work, after the wireframe is approved, may affect deiverable dates and may require a price adjustments on the initial agreement depending on magnitude of the change. Keep in mind removal of functionlity can be as labor intensitve as additions.

The Process for all new and existing wesites and landing pages:Preliminary requirements will require at least one hour of your time to review Requirement Questionaire that can be down loaded HERE. The Requirement Questionaire will allow you to state the purpose of your new or existing website/landing page. Plenty of space is available for questions and additional functionality. The Requirement Questionaire provides options for choosing from several pre-determined layouts and color schemes or your own layout and color scheme. Once completed and submitted, via email, to the adress at the bottom of the questionaire the Requirement Questionaire will be reviewed by NO W0RDPRESS SITE SHERE to: Answer questions; Determine deliverable dates; Address price adjustments for options chosen and special requirements. A meeting, either by phone, through email or in person to address any questions you may have had. At that point NO W0RDPRESS SITES HERE will make changes to the submitted Requirement Questionaire and return it to you for re-submission. Following this proceedure unsures both sides have a clear understanding of the requirements. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT and is often over looked by many who offer websites. Once the Requirement Questionaire are approved and signed by both parties, it will become the Official Requirements that define the scope of work for the site construction serve as a legally binding agreement by both parties. Changes to the scope of work once construction has begun may result in additional charges. The Wire-frame will determine the site structure and behavior to user input. It's written approval will signify the begining of the construction phase and no free site structure changes will be allowed. The Mockup will be a coded HTML skeleton to demonstrate page navigation, color scheme and page layout. You will be allowed one free change to the color schemes and font choices after Mockup approval. Once the Mockup is approved (in writing) the site behaviour will be complated occording to Official Requirements. It will be tested in-house for coding errors and against the Official Requirements to ensure the requirements are being met. This is why the Requirement Questionaire review by both parties is so important. The Mockup will then become Pre-Launch and made available to the client for Pre-Launch review. Pre-Launch will be a fulling functional site, build acording to the Official Requirements on NOW0RDPRESSSITESHERE.COM for you to review and approve. Once the Pre-Launch is given written approval (this approval stipulates that all requirements, and deliverable dates have been met by NO W0RDPRESS SITES HERE and the terms of the contract have been met) and final payment has been made by the customer, the site will be physically transferred to the target hosting company (whether existing or new).

NO W0RDPRESS SITES HERE will not be responsible for client oversites or changes made to requirements after it's approval or statements made in the copy supplies by client. NO W0RDPRESS SITES HERE will not include any photos or copy that is: pornographic, racist, promotes bigotry or is just plain vulgar (to be determined by out side sources not just us).

  1. 4 page, HTML5, responsive website (homepage,products/services,about, contact us)

    Webpages will All website construction is done on the NOW0RDPRESSSITESHERE.COM website for you to view with password protection for security.    Click HERE for pricing.

  2. Single HTML5, responsive Landing Page

       Similar to 1), but for a single page.   Click HERE for pricing.

  3. Online ordering system

    Cheaper and easier for you to use than you think. Responsive on all major cell phones. Customizable on your computer at your convience. Customizable items include: menu content [menu headings, item descriptions, item pricing, color schemes for [page background, category heading text, item heading text and item description text and price text] and fonts. A concise, step by step, user guide is incuded along with one hour of instruction at the time of installation. Of course free phone, text and email service is available for bug reporting and included customizable item questions (phone service is availabe during regular business hours (M-F, 9:00am-5:00pm). No credit card information is requested from the customer. However a valid name, e-mail address and phone number is required to place an order. This application is great for restaurant offering takeout, caterers, pizza parlors.   Click HERE for pricing and minimum requirements.

  4. On-site SEO(1)

    This is a one time change made to your site's Title, h1 tag and meta tags that are vital for better Google page ranking. A Google Off-site SEO recommendations are available on request.   Click HERE for pricing.

  5. Modifications to an existing non-Wordpress site

    With the basic package we can: Add a new page, Remove a page, Modify content of a page, change colors, change fonts, change font colors. An advanced package can be quoted to change page structure and make a site responsive, for accurate rendering on mobile prones.   Click HERE for pricing.

  6. Single Page Custom Constant Contact® Newsletters

    Our custom Constant Contact Newsletter pages are built from scratch, Not from a template supplid by Constant Contact or any othe vendor. The construction phase is similar to that in 1) with requard to requirements gathering, deliverables, payment schedule. You must posses an active Constant Contact account and be willing to provide us login credentials for construction and pre-release testing.   Click HERE for pricing.

  7. Website Management

    Our website management program includes: Site monitoring for virus infection, page content hacks and page redirection; Site content updates; Blog postings(2); Monthly SEO Google Analytics reports which can show who visits your site, how long they stayed there and what they were looking at.   Click HERE for pricing and HERE for a sample report.

  8. Custom printed marketing materials.

    We offer: full color - buiness cards, flyers, multi page booklets, post cards and more.   Click HERE for more information and to request a quote.

(1) - Included with the purchase of a 4 page HTML5 sites and Single HTML5 Landing Pages.
(2) - For sites purchased to included blogs. Updates to your sitemap is also inclued with ths service.